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Church With A Purpose

4725 N Lois Ave.
Tampa, Florida
Phone: (813) 549-0444
Fax: (813) 354-2304

Pastoral Staff
Jose Gomez, Sr.
Jose Gomez, Jr.
Mayra Gomez
Mario Carrasco

Sermon & Study Notes

Memorial to the crushed lamb

Sunday, March 28, 2004 • Rev. Jose Gomez Sr. • Spiritual Maturity
It's not often that Christians take time to reflect on things that become habit to us. In this messege you will learn what the meaning of the Lord's supper is and how it should impact our lives.

* Matt.26:26-29

On the yard of a little church in germany stands a statue of a lamb that has an interesting story to tell.
  A group of men were working on the roof of the church one day when one tripped and fell to the groung. Qiickly, the other men ran down the latter expecting to see him dead. But he was alive!
 As he fell to the ground there was a lamb that was feeding bellow. The man fell on it and crushed the lamb. He was so grateful that he had a statue of a lamb erected in the very place where he fell. It read; 'MEMORIAL TO THE CRUSHED LAMB".

This is in essence what the Lord's supper is all about. It's about Jesus. God's lamb that was crushed for us. So that we may live.
Paul speaks of this occasion as the Lord's supper.

Jesus Himself is the host of the feast

They were celebrating the passover. When the firstborn of people of God were protected from the angel of death just before they left egypt with Moses leading.

But this was the real thing. The very next day, Jesus was going to shed His blood on the cross so that we may live.

I. The Lord's supper commemorates the death of Christ .
* It reminds us of what Jesus did for us ( He said; "This do in remembrence of Me")

1. It applies the seal of God to our lives
* Only believers commemorate the Lords Supper.

2. It indicates our communion and fellowship with Jesus.
* Jesus said; "I am the vine, you are the branches". He who abides in me and I in him, bears much fruit; for without me ye can do nothing." (John 15:5)
* It also represent's the mutual fellowship with believers, we are the body of Christ and have to work together.
* The parts of the body would die if  seperated from the body, that's what happen's to believers  when they seperate themselves.

II. Two elements are used for illustration purposes by Jesus, the bread and the wine

1. The bread
 "And when they were eating Jesus took bread, blessed and broke it, and gave it to His disciples and said; "take eat this is my body".
* To eat is to partake of the the sacrifice. You must take up your cross and follow Him.
* To eat is to partake and identify with Him
* Just like bread becomes part of us when we eat it. Jesus becomes part of us when we partake of Him.
* Jesus is the only spiritual bread that will give eternal life to a sinner. He said; "But he that eat's of this bread shall live forever."

2. The results of partaking of Jesus are many.
* Salvation
* Satisfaction
* Purpose. Galatians 2:20; "I am crusified with Christ; nevertheles I live; yet not I, but Christ lives in me and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith by the son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me".

III. The blood
1. It wipes away our sins, Matt.28:26

2. Through the blood of Jesus we are justified, Rom.5:9

3. The blood of Jesus purifies our conscience from dead works, Heb.9:4

4. The blood brings healing. "By His stripes we are healed".

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