What you need to do to restore order to your world
*Genesis 1:1-31
What brings disorder?
1. Rebellion
1. Look at your present situation and see that you need order in your world. Dont lie to yourself.
Verse1 says; "The earth was in chaos. It aws formless and void and dark.
2. Contemplate your situation and develop a course of action.
"The Spirit of God was hovering over the waters".
3. Start speaking life to your world.
Ten times God speaks to the situation:
1.verse 3; God said let there be light and there was light. Light is a sign of a clear mind.
2. verse 6; "And God said, let there be an expance to seperate the waters from the waters". Start sorting out good from bad.
3. verse 9; "And God said, let the water under the skye be gathered to one place, and let drie ground appear".
Say to yourself and others; "I will seperate myself from anything and anyone influence that brings chaos to my world".
4. Verse 11; Then God said,
-It's a Spiritual prnciple that whatever you sow you also reap.
-The fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23)
5. verse 14,And God said,
-If the old memories are bad, make some good ones that will bring you light and happiness.
-Trie to think about the good things and not the bad ones.
6. verse 20; "And God said,
7. verse 24; "And God said,
8. verse 26, "Then God said,
-We are created in the image and likenes of God.
9. verse 28, "Then God blessed the man and the woman and said to them, be fruitful and multiply
- Multiply what God has placed in your hands
-Be a good spwart of God's blessings
10. verse 29, Then God said
Read *Genesis 2:1-2